ACTION 1Contact your Senators and urge them to take whatever action is necessary to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump Administration's connections with Russia.

Why It’s So Important

Trump’s firing of FBI director Comey has crossed a dangerous line. It has put the checks and balances that allow our democracy to function at risk. This obvious attempt to blatantly derail the FBI investigation of the Trump administration’s connections to Russia threatens a fundamental principle of our democracy, i.e., that elected officials, even presidents, are subject to the rule of law. 


Our democracy is in danger of being subverted. Let us heed the necessity of action before it is too late. To let this infringement of democratic principles continue to stand is to concede to anti-democratic forces that seek to undermine our constitutional government. 


What to Do – Action Item 1

Let’s show our support for Senator Feinstein and encourage her to continue to stand strong.


Suggested Script for Senator Feinstein:

I want to thank Senator Feinstein for her strong and effective response to Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey, which was clearly an attempt to undermine the FBI’s investigation into the Trump administration. I strongly support Senator Feinstein’s role in initiating a Senate slowdown Wednesday, by limiting Senate committee meetings to two hours after the Senate convenes. Through her actions in slowing down the Senate, Senator Feinstein has been crucial in showing that Democrats will NOT tolerate Trump’s shocking disregard of democratic norms. I urge Senator Feinstein to continue to use every tool at her disposal to counter Trump’s attempts to subvert democracy. 

Suggested Script for Senator Harris:

I urge Senator Harris to insist upon the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate illegal activity between the Trump administration and Russia. She should use every tool at her disposal to counter Trump’s attempts to subvert democracy by firing FBI Director Comey. We need to show Republicans that there will be no “business as usual” in the Senate until a special prosecutor is appointed.

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein: DC (202) 224-3841, SF (415) 393-0707, LA (310) 914-7300, SD (619) 231-9712, Fresno (559) 485-7430
  • Sen. Kamala Harris: DC (202) 224-3553, Sacramento (916) 448-2787, SF (415) 355-9041, LA (213) 894-5000, SD (619) 239-3884, Fresno (559) 497-5109



ACTION 2: Sign a CREDO action petition urging Democratic Senators to support the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the ties between the Trump administration and Russia.

Only a fully independent investigation will restore faith in the rule of law and our democratic institutions. Democratic Senators should refuse to proceed with all regular Senate business until the Department of Justice appoints a special prosecutor to investigate the connections between the Trump administration and Russia.

What to Do – Action Item 2

Go to the CREDO site to sign the petition for a special prosecutor:



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